Welcome to jaydee.io!

Published on Jun 28th, 2018

Hi! Today I launched jaydee.io, a website used to share blog articles, projects I'm working on or contributing to, and some contact informations.

Blog posts show the progress of my journey to become a better software craftsman. Covered subjects mostly belong to categories I'm very enthusiastic on: C++, embedded world, clean code, software craftsmanship, ...

Projects page lists all public and open-source stuff I'm working on, as well as projects I contribute to. I'll also provide references to interresting material on the links page. Finally, a contact page helps you to reach me.

Latest posts

  • Jan 13, 2021
    » Programming to interface… without paying the cost

    Programming to interface is a fairly good programming practice. It allows decoupling of classes, as stated in the Dependency Inversion Principle, as well as easy testing in context of Test-driven developpement. Stricly speaking, there is no interface in C++. Instead, we use inheritance from a base class with no data member and all its member functions marked as public, pure and virtual1. But calling virtual functions doesn’t come for free, we need to pay the cost of : making an indirect call through the vtable, branch (mis)prediction, instruction cache miss, … Should we pay this cost just because we want to do things right ? As we will see in this post, in some cases we could get rid of this price using the power of Devirtualization.

    1. Others techniques may be used to implement interfaces in C++ (template, …), but there are out of scope of this article. 

  • Aug 06, 2018
    » Resource owning - Part 3 : Rule of zero

    In the first two parts of this series on resource owning, we’ve seen some good practices about resource owning: separating them from business code, how to offer a strong exception guarantee and how to have a cleaner code with the Copy and swap idiom. We’ve also seen that if one of destructor, copy constructor, copy assignment, move constructor, or move assignment operator is defined, all of them must also be defined, as stated by the Rule of five. In this part, we’ll see that this special member functions are only associated with resource owning classes, and shouldn’t be defined otherwise. But before that, we’ll optimize our assignment operators.

  • Jul 31, 2018
    » Resource owning - Part 2 : Rule of five

    In the first part of this series on resource owning, we’ve seen that separating resource owning from business code is a good practice. We’ve also seen that if one of destructor, copy constructor or copy assignment operator is defined, all of them must also be defined, as stated by the Rule of three. In this part, we’ll get into the move semantic introduced by C++11 and cover the case of moving a resource owning object into another. But before that, we’ll fix the 3 issues of our first implementation.

  • Jul 20, 2018
    » Resource owning - Part 1 : Rule of three

    I’ve seen too much code base mixing technical code with business one. Particulary, a lot of business code is owning technical resource. Trying to figure out what this code does is often a lot of pain. The resource owning code deserve its own class, independent of the business code. This is a good programming practice, well described in the Single Responsibility Principle. In this post, we will see what are the good rules of thumb to design a resource owning class, starting with the Rule of three.

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2018 - Now Jérôme DUMESNIL